‘It is tossed by the waves, but does not sink’ – Paris’ motto.
- Paris is the capital city of France, found in northern France, Europe on River Seine, and is among the leading cities in cuisine, fashion, education as well as other arts.
- Paris is the largest city in France, and is among the largest in Europe, with over 2.2 million residing in the city in 2013, and over 12 million residents when including the wider Paris area.
- Paris has one of the top Global Domestic Products (GDPs) in the world, with a GDP of US$845 billion in 2011.
- ‘Paris’ is also known as the ‘City of Love’, ‘Paname’, and the ‘La Ville-Lumière’ (City of Light’) and was historically known as ‘Lutetia Parisiorum’ during the Roman times in 0 to 400 AD.
- The name ‘Paris’ was probably derived from the name of the Gaulish tribe, ‘Parisii’ that settled there.
Panorama of Paris
Image courtesy of MK B./Flickr
- Paris has a metropolitan area of approximately 2,850 square kilometres (1,100 square miles).
- Every year, Paris attracts approximately 28 million tourists who visit its gardens, cathedrals, festivals, arts, museums including the Louvre that houses many famous paintings including the Mona Lisa, and architecture including the Eiffel Tower.
- Paris was the host of the 1889 World Fair, with the Eiffel Tower among the main attractions.
- Paris is the home of the Métro, a subway system that is used by 9 million people per day.
- Soccer (football) is a popular sport in Paris, and the city held the international soccer world cup, FIFA, in 1938 and 1998 as well as hosting the Olympic Games of 1900 and 1924.
Paris, 2013, Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris
Paris Facts & Figures, 2013, A View on Cities, http://www.aviewoncities.com/paris/parisfacts.htm

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