Golden Delicious or Granny Smith. All are nice and sweet – just like Ten Random Facts you see.
- An apple is a pomaceous fruit and grows on a deciduous tree.
- The apple tree originated from Asia.
- There are more than 7,500 different cultivars of apple.
- 69 million tonnes of apples were grown worldwide, in 2010. China produced just under half of this amount.
- The seeds of an apple are a little poisonous.
- China produces most of the world’s apples, followed by the United States, Turkey, Italy and India.
- The flowers of an apple tree are normally white with a pinkish tinge.
- A test on the Golden Delicious apple in 2010 showed that apples have 57,000 genes.
- If you are allergic to birch pollen you are allergic to apples.
- 149 grams of apple contain approximately 77 calories.