

Jackfruits have a little bit of everything.

  • Jackfruits are a variety of bulky exotic fruit, most likely originating in the rainforests of southwestern parts of India, and later introduced to a number of tropical areas of southeast Asia.
  • The scientific name of the tree that produces jackfruit is Artocarpus heterophyllus and it is from the family Moraceae, the family of figs and mulberries.
  • Jackfruits’ are also known as ‘jakfruits’, ‘jack trees’, ‘jaka’, ‘jaca’, ‘jaks’, ‘jacks’ and ‘nangka’; and Bangladesh has named it its national fruit.
  • At dimensions of up to 91 centimetres (36 inch) by 50 centimetres (20 inches), and weighing 4.5 to 50 kilograms (10 to 110 pounds), jackfruits are known as the largest fruit produced by a tree.
  • Jackfruits are quite sweet and fruity, with a mixed taste of bananas, apples, and pineapples when ripe, and the taste is somewhat like meat when unripe and cooked.
Jackfruit, Trivia, Ten Random Facts, Fruit, Vegetation, Hanging, Yellow, Exotic, Culinary, Food
Some Jackfruit
Image courtesy of Lee Wu/Flickr
  • From 100 to 500 individual jackfruits are produced annually by a single tree, and the ripe fruit tends to have an unpleasant odour, and releases latex sap when cut.
  • Jackfruits are a versatile fruit and can be eaten fresh or cooked; canned, dried or candied; used as a fruit or vegetable; added to dishes like curries; or made into jam, condiments, pickles, ice-cream, noodles, alcoholic beverages, and flour; while the seeds can be eaten like tree nuts.
  • Jackfruits have a yellow to green skin colour when ripe and are bumpy in texture; and the yellow flesh grows in segments, each containing a seed, while each fruit can contain from 100 to 500 seeds.
  • While in years past, India has been one of the top producers of jackfruit in the world, in many areas the fruit has gone to waste or has been underutilised, due to public perception; effort of preparation of the fruit due to the latex; and lack of demand.
  • Jackfruits consist of a wide variety of nutrients, and are high in vitamin C, magnesium, copper, potassium and manganese.
Kuzoian A, We Tried Jackfruit — the Huge Tree Fruit that Supposedly Tastes Like Pulled Pork, 2015, Business Insider Australia, http://www.businessinsider.com.au/barbecue-jackfruit-pulled-pork-taco-taste-test-2015-9
Jackfruit, 1996, California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc, https://www.crfg.org/pubs/ff/jackfruit.html
Jackfruit, 2006, Northern Territory Government, http://www.nt.gov.au/d/Content/File/p/Fruit/FF7_jackfruit.pdf
Jackfruit, 2016, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackfruit
Jackfruit, n.d, Purdue University, https://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/morton/jackfruit_ars.html/
Suchitra M, The Jackfruit Will Definitely Become the Most Sought-After Fruit in the Coming Years in India, 2015, Down to Earth, http://www.downtoearth.org.in/interviews/-the-jackfruit-will-definitely-become-the-most-sought-after-fruit-in-the-coming-years-in-india–50450




The salak will surely snake its way into your fruit basket.

  • Salaks are a species of exotic fruit with over 30 varieties, and is native to Indonesia in Southeast Asia.
  • ‘Salak’ is also known as ‘sala’, ‘snake fruit’, ‘yingan’, ‘salacca fruit’, and ‘snakeskin fruit’; and it grows on a specific type of palm tree.
  • The scientific name of the plant salaks grow on is Salacca zalacca and it is from the family Arecaceae, the family of palm trees.
  • Salaks are of a fig-like shape and are roughly 5 to 7 centimetres (2 to 2.7 inches) in length, and the fruit usually contains one to three seeds.
  • Salaks are a mixture of sweet, sour and acidic flavours, comparable to pineapples and apples, and is often quite juicy.
Salak, Trivia, Ten Random Facts, Fruit, Food, Culinary, Brown, Cut, Open
Image courtesy of Jayson Emery/Flickr
  • The skin of salaks is a brown colour resembling snake skin, hence its alternate names; and the skin can have small spines.
  • Salak flesh is typically divided in three segments and is cream coloured with a texture that can be firm, spongy or crispy, or sometimes dry and crumbly.
  • Salaks typically bunch on the palm tree, towards the base of the trunk, in groups of ten to forty individual fruits.
  • It is traditional for salaks to be eaten fresh just as they are, or in fruit salad, but they can also be pickled, sugared, canned or made into wine.
  • Salaks are high in iron and are a good source of vitamin C, and they contain many other vitamins and minerals.
Bali Salak, n.d, Fruitipedia, http://www.fruitipedia.com/bali_salak%20Salaca%20edulis.htm
Nuwer R, Meet the Salak, the Ubiquitous Indonesian Fruit You’ve Never Head Of, 2012, Smithsonian, http://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/meet-the-salak-the-ubiquitous-indonesian-fruit-youve-never-heard-of-115942678/?no-ist
Salak, 2016, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salak
Salak – An Exotic Indonesian Fruit, n.d, Blue Karma Resort, http://bluekarmaresort.com/salak-an-exotic-indonesian-fruit/


Banana Passionfruit

Banana Passionfruit

Banana passionfruit is the perfect fruit for a passionate fan.

  • Banana passionfruit are a variety of tropical fruit native to South America.
  • ‘Banana passionfruit’ is also called ‘curuba’, ‘tasco’, ‘tumbo’, ‘bananadilla’ and ‘banana pōka’.
  • There are two species of banana passionfruit, both very similar in appearance, and they have the scientific name Passiflora tarminiana and Passiflora tripartita var. mollissima, and they are from the family Passifloraceae, the family of passionfruit and other flowering plants.
  • Banana passionfruit are of a rounded cylindrical or somewhat ovoid shape, and are 5 to 14 centimetres (2 to 5.5 inches) in length.
  • Banana passionfruit has a light or whitish yellow to orange skin colour when ripe, and is a green colour when unripe, while the flesh is a translucent orange that surrounds numerous black edible seeds.
Banana Passionfruit, Trivia, Ten Random Facts, Orange, Pulp, Green, Cut, Fruit, Culinary, Food
Banana Passionfruit
Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
  • The vines of banana passionfruit typically produce 150 to 300 individuals fruits a year.
  • Banana passionfruit can be eaten fresh or added to desserts such as ice cream and fruit salads; or used as a flavouring, especially in beverages; much like other species of passionfruit.
  • In countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Hawaii, banana passionfruit is considered an invasive species, as it grows prolifically and chokes out native plant species.
  • The flavour of banana passionfruit is typically sweet and tart, comparable to other passionfruit; and the fruit is high in vitamin C and fibre.
  • The vine of banana fruits can reach a length of roughly 6 to 7 metres (20 to 23 feet), and they often use tall trees as a support.
Banana Passion Fruit, 2013, Trade Winds Fruit, http://www.tradewindsfruit.com/content/banana-passion-fruit.htm
Banana Passionfruit, 2015, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_passionfruit
Banana Passionfruit, 2016, Specialty Produce, http://www.specialtyproduce.com/produce/Banana_Passionfruit_9144.php
Banana Passionfruit, n.d, Purdue University, https://hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/morton/banana_passion_fruit.html
Passiflora tarminiana, 2016, Queensland Government, http://keyserver.lucidcentral.org/weeds/data/media/Html/passiflora_tarminiana.htm


Mamey Sapote

Mamey Sapote

Mamey sapote is an exotic name for an exotic fruit.

  • Mamey sapote is a variety of tropical fruit, native to parts of Central America, and Mexico in North America.
  • ‘Mamey sapote’ is also known as ‘marmalade plum’, ‘mamee sapote’, ‘marmalade fruit’, ‘zapotillo’, ‘zapote’, ‘sapote’, and ‘mammee apple’, among other names.
  • The scientific name of the mamey sapote tree is Pouteria sapota and it is from the family Sapotaceae, a family of flowering trees and shrubs.
  • Mamey sapote can be ovoid or almost spherical in shape, and the fruit is usually between 7.5 and 23 centimetres (3 to 9 inches) long.
  • The skin of Mamey sapote fruit is generally somewhat rough to touch and brown in colour, while the flesh is soft when ripe, and pink, orange or red in colour.
Mamey Sapote, Ten Random Facts, Trivia, Orange, Fruit, Culinary, Cut
Mamey Sapote
Image courtesy of I Like Plants/Flickr
  • The taste of mamey sapote is reminiscent of sweet potatoes, peaches, pumpkins and apricots.
  • Mamey sapote can be eaten fresh or frozen, used to flavour dairy-based products such as ice-cream or milkshakes, and can be made into jams and preserves.
  • A single mamey sapote fruit can weigh from 0.4 to 2.3 kilograms (0.9 to 5 pounds) in weight.
  • Despite its large size, mamey sapote is botanically considered a berry, and the fruit usually contains one large brown seed, though some varieties may have up to four.
  • Mamey sapote fruit are high in vitamin B6 and vitamin C, and contain many other vitamins and minerals.
Carle A, Cultivation of Mamey Sapote and Green Sapote, 1989, The Acrhives of The Rare Fruit Council of Australia, http://rfcarchives.org.au/Next/Fruits/MameySapote/MameyGreenSapote1-89.htm
 Mamey Sapote, n.d, Australian Tropical Foods, http://www.australiantropicalfoods.com/index.php/exotic-fruits/mamey-sapote/
Pouteria sapota, 2016, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pouteria_sapota
Sapote, 2016, Purdue University, https://hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/morton/sapote_ars.html


Cape Gooseberry

Cape Gooseberry

The Cape gooseberry is not a gooseberry, nor is it from the Cape district in South Africa!

  • A Cape gooseberry is a species of tomato-like fruit, that originated in South American countries including Brazil, Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Columbia.
  • ‘Cape gooseberries’ are also known as ‘Physalis’, ‘giant groundcherries’, ‘golden berries’, ‘Aztec berries’, ‘African ground cherries’, ‘Peruvian groundcherries’, ‘husk cherries’, ‘Inca berries’, ‘Peruvian tomatoes’, ‘Peruvian cherries’, ‘poha berries’, and many other names.
  • The plant that the cape gooseberry grows on has the scientific name Physalis peruviana, from the family Solanaceae, the family of nightshades; and it is similar to other edible fruits that grow in a similar form in the Physalis genus, like the tomatillo, husk tomato and other groundcherries.
  • The Cape gooseberry fruit is contained inside a dry, leaf-like receptacle known as a ‘husk’, that is something comparable to a lantern in shape.
  • Cape gooseberries typically have smooth, glossy skin that is orange or yellow when ripe, with juicy flesh the same colour; and they are green when unripe.
Cape Gooseberry, Fruit, Culinary, Trivia, Ten Random Facts, Food, Lantern, Goldenberry
Cape Gooseberry
Image courtesy of Pen Waggener/Flickr
  • The Cape gooseberry can be eaten fresh, dried or cooked, often in Mexican cuisine; made into jams, pies or other desserts; and added to salads.
  • Cape gooseberries have a sweet to tangy taste with a fruity flavour, and a sweetness that is greater than tomatoes; though they should not be eaten when unripe, as they tend to be poisonous.
  • The shape of a Cape gooseberry is spherical, and the fruit generally ranges from 1 to 3 centimetres (0.4 to 1.2 inches) in diameter, and the pulp contains many small edible seeds.
  • Cape gooseberries are a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A and niacin, and they contain a number of other vitamins and minerals.
  • Cape gooseberries generally fall to the ground before they are ripe, and they can be stored for many months in their husk.
Cape Gooseberry, 1997, California Rare Fruit Growers, https://www.crfg.org/pubs/ff/cape-gooseberry.html
McLeod C, Cape Gooseberry – Physalis, 2014, Garden Drum, http://gardendrum.com/2014/05/29/cape-gooseberry-physalis/
Physalis, 2016, University of Minnesota Extension, http://www.extension.umn.edu/garden/yard-garden/vegetables/physalis/
Physalis peruviana, 2016, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physalis_peruviana


Bottled Water

Bottled Water

The irony of it is that despite water being a free resource, bottled water is popularly purchased.

  • Bottled water is water that has been packaged in a bottle for commercial retail purposes or distribution; and it was originally contained in glass, although today, plastic bottles are more commonly used.
  • Bottled water is generally purposed for drinking, although it can be used for other purposes, especially when tap or pumped water is not available.
  • The water found in bottled water can be mineral, spring, distilled, sparkling, ground or well water, and it can be sold carbonated.
  • Although water has been stored in containers for the purpose of transportation throughout history, it wasn’t until 1767, in Boston, when bottled water was first released for sale, in the United States.
  • Despite being a ‘free’ resource, bottled water became a popular choice, especially as the first packaged water was mineral spring water, a rarer form that was considered to have health benefits.

Water Bottle, Trivia, Ten Random Facts, Bottled, Single, Commercial, Spring, Fluid

  • Bottled water became increasingly sought after in the 1800s, due to people fearing the potential harmful affects of unsafe drinking water, however when water chlorination became widespread in the 1900s, sales decreased in countries such as America, though Europe’s interest grew significantly, becoming increasingly widespread both in retail outlets and restaurants.
  • Despite the fact that most bottled water does not become unsafe as long as it remains sealed, many still have use-by dates printed on the bottles, which are the manufacturer’s suggested deadline before the water content may become distasteful or ‘unfresh’.
  • Popularity of bottled water grew significantly at the end of the 20th century and into the 21st, and in 2008, roughly 30 billion bottles of water were sold in the United States.
  • The taste of bottled water is not necessarily any better than tap water, nor cleaner, nor healthier, especially in developed countries with reliable water treatment facilities.
  • Bottled water is often considered overpriced, being more expensive than milk and petrol in many places, especially since water is available via tap for very little cost; and while the discarded bottles are considered a significant environmental hazard, it can take from two to seven times more water to produce the end product.
Bottled Water, 2015, Clean Up, http://www.cleanup.org.au/files/clean_up_australia_bottled_water_factsheet.pdf
Bottled Water, 2016, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bottled_water
Bottled Water, n.d, Cool Australia, http://www.coolaustralia.org/bottled-water-secondary/


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