Snake antivenom is a human life-saver… but comes from horses!
- ‘Snake antivenom’ is also known as ‘snake antivenin’ and ‘snake antivenene’.
- Snake antivenom is typically a liquid substance that contains antibodies that help destroy snake venom.
- Snake antivenom is created by injecting the snake’s venom, which has been ‘milked’, into an animal, such as a horse, which will create antibodies that are later extracted.
- Snake antivenom should always be given to a snake-bite victim if the snake is poisonous and the venom has spread through the victim’s body.
- Allergic reactions can occur after a patient has been given snake antivenom, but it only occurs in 10% of patients.
Original Source: Unkn0wn
- Snake antivenom should be administered when symptoms such as headaches, pains, loss of consciousness, paralysis and nausea occur, and a snakebite may have occurred.
- Snake antivenom should not be frozen but instead refrigerated, and usually has a storage life of three years.
- Snake antivenom was invented in 1894 by Léon Charles Albert Calmette, a French immunologist.
- Snake antivenom can cost up to $1600 per vial, depending on the type, while a single person with a snake bite can use as many as 20 to 25 vials.
- Snake antivenom can take years to make, and take more years for approval by the World Health Organization (WHO) before the product is usable.
Australian Snake Bites, 2011, University of Sydney,
Main D, How to Make Antivenom—And Why the World is Running Short, n.d, Popular Mechanics,
Snake Antivenom, 2013, Wikipedia,