Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.
- Rainbows are formed when light is reflected off water droplets, and shows a spectrum of colours.
- Primary rainbows have red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet (ROY G BIV), while secondary rainbows go violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red (VIB G YOR).
- Rainbows can form in mist, like waterfalls, and sea spray.
- When the sky is dull, rainbows are easier to see.
- Some rainbows don’t fit with the ‘ROY G BIV’ or ‘VIB G YOR’ systems but have their own patterns.
- When viewing a rainbow, the sun is always opposite the centre of the arc, with the sun behind you.
- Aristotle, the famous Greek scholar from 300 years BC was the first to research and develop a theory regarding rainbows.
- Some cultures believe that rainbows are the way to heaven, whilst the Bible says that it is a sign from God, reminding us of his promise that he will never flood the whole earth again.
- Rainbows are popular themes in films, music, literature and art.
- Nobody can ever see the same rainbow the same as someone else.
Rainbow 28 February 2013, Wikipedia, <>