It is not a lily…
- Lilly pilly is also known as lillpilli, brush cherries and satinash.
- Lilly pilly is a flowering plant from the family Myrtaceae, the family of myrtles.
- Lilly pillies are split into three genera, Syzygium, Waterhousea, Acmena.
- Lilly pillies are evergreen trees and shrubs.
- Lilly pilly plants generally have white, fluffy flowers and produce small red, pink or purple fruit that are edible.
Lilly Pilly
Image courtesy of Val Laird
- Lilly pilly is native to Africa, South East Asia and the Pacific.
- Lilly pilly fruit is sometimes used in jams and jellies.
- Lilly pilly is sometimes confused with the eugenia species.
- There are 62 species of lilly pilly native to Australia.
- The lilly pilly psyllid is a pest that feeds on lilly pilly and causes pimples on the leaves.
Syzygium, 2013 Wikipedia,<>

Hello my name is Alyss Chapin. I am asking for more facts like the habit, how tall, where it grows, size and other facts, please and thank you.
Hi Alyss, thanks for dropping by!
Here is some more information on lilly pillies.
Lilly pillies are often found in coastal or rainforest habitats.
Lilly pillies can grow from one to five metres (3.3 to 16.4 feet) in height.
Lilly pillies grow in neat and tidy bushes.
If there is anymore information you would like to know just comment!
Cris – Ten Random Facts
Hi are lilly lilly berries dangerous for dogs to eat?