“Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today.” – James Dean
- James Dean was an actor of American birth, who became a legendary teenage icon.
- James Dean was born in Indiana’s Marion, in the United States, on 8 February, 1931, and was named ‘James Byron Dean’.
- James Dean’s mother died in 1938 due to cancer, when Dean was nine years of age, and so his father sent him to live with his aunt and uncle who were Quakers.
- The first commercial appearance James Dean made was in an advertisement for Pepsi Cola, in the early 1950s.
- James Dean had a significant interest in automobile racing, had ownership of various car models, and competed in a number of races, in which he earned high placings.
James Dean
Image courtesy of Isomnia Cured Here/Flickr
- The fame of James Dean arose from his work in the films East of Eden (1955), Rebel without a Cause (1955) and Giant (1956).
- James Dean died on 30 September, 1955, at 24 years of age, in a car crash at an intersection with another vehicle.
- James Dean received a nomination for the Best Actor Academy Award in East of Eden, that he received posthumously, making him the first actor to do so; and a second nomination followed, as well as other awards.
- Sight was not one of James Dean’s strong points, as he was short sighted and had difficulty seeing without his glasses.
- James Dean never married, however he dated and had close relationships with a number of people, notably Pier Angeli, an Italian actress.
James Dean, 2015, Biography.com, http://www.biography.com/people/james-dean-9268866
James Dean, 2015, Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Dean