The jade vine treasures its uniqueness in its beautiful colour.
- Jade vines are perennial plants that grow as vines, found among the forests of the islands of the Philippines, in Southeast Asia.
- ‘Jade vines’ are also known as ‘turquoise jade vines’, ’emerald creepers’, ‘blue jade vines’, ’emerald vines’, ‘jade climbers’, ‘flor de jade’ (‘jade flower’ in Spanish), and ‘tayabak’ in the native Filipino language.
- The scientific name of the jade vine is Strongylodon macrobotrys and it is from the family Fabaceae, the family of legumes.
- The claw-like blooms of jade vines are deep mint-green to turquoise in colour.
- Jade vines can grow to lengths of 18 metres (59 feet), while the large flower clusters can reach 3 metres (10 feet) in length.
A Jade Vine
Image courtesy of nauitokz/Flickr
- Jade vines are commonly used as a decorative climbing plant due to its striking colours.
- Jade vines are listed as vunerable, as a result of deforestation and a decline of its natural pollinators that feed on the flower nectar.
- The seedpods of jade vines can be as long as 15 cm (6 inches) and are produced once the flowers are pollinated, typically by bats, and the pods can contain as many as twelve seeds.
- Jade vines have historically been difficult to pollinate outside of their natural habitat, however in 1995, a successful technique was first used, that effectively mimicked bat pollination.
- Jade vines grow best in sun or some shade, with its flowers blooming during the late winter months to early spring.
Dyer M, Growing Jade Vines; Care of Jade Vines Indoors and Out, 2015, Gardening Knowhow,
Jade Climber, Jade Vine, Emerald Creeper, Flor-de-Jade, Blue Jade Vine, Turquois Jade Vine, 2016, Dave’s Garden,
Strongylodon macrobotrys, 2016, Wikipedia,
Strongylodon Macrobotrys (Jade Vine), n.d, Kew Royal Botanic Gardens,

can I move a jade vine. replant it in another spot. plant is few years old and have plenty of flowers.
i don’t think so—period.