Let your imagination run wild interpreting the form of Hvítserkur.
- Hvítserkur is an eroded rock that protrudes out from the shores of north-western Iceland, in the waters of Húnafjörður, near the Vatnsnes peninsula.
- Hvítserkur reaches a height of 15 metres (49 feet) from sea level, and it is a grey and white colour, with the white caused by minerals deposited through bird droppings.
- Hvítserkur is made primarily of basalt rock, that has been eroded over years due to the constant activity of ocean waves.
- In 1955, there were three holes at the base of Hvítserkur, giving it four ‘legs’, however, there were concerns that the structure would give way, so plans were made that year to preserve the structure with concrete.
- Birds, including seagulls and fulmars, are attracted to nest on Hvítserkur, while seals are located nearby.
Image courtesy of Janko Hoener/Flickr
- The term ‘Hvítserkur’ in Icelandic, means ‘white shirt’, which refers to the mottled white colours visible on the formation.
- Before the crater wore away, Hvítserkur is said to have plugged the mouth of a now extinct volcano.
- The base of Hvítserkur is reinforced with concrete, which stabilises the formation to prevent it from breaking away, and this has reduced the number of large holes at the base of the structure from three, to two.
- Hvítserkur can be seen from a viewing platform on land, and the formation is close enough to the shore, that it can be reached on foot at low tide.
- Local legend suggests that Hvítserkur was once a troll, who failed to evade the morning sun, and as a result, was petrified in stone.
Ætla að styrkja Hvítserk í Húnaflóa, 1955, VÍSIR, http://timarit.is/view_page_init.jsp?issId=82970&pageId=1182163&lang=is&q=styrkja
Hvítserkur, 2015, Atlas Obscura, http://www.atlasobscura.com/places/hvitserkur
Hvítserkur, 2015, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hv%C3%ADtserkur
Ragnarsdóttir R, Hvítserkur | The Troll of North-West Iceland, n.d, Guide to Iceland, https://guidetoiceland.is/connect-with-locals/regina/hvitserkur-up-north