It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No… It’s a helicopter!
- Helicopters are aircraft that can fly horizontally, vertically and can hover.
- Helicopters are a type of rotorcraft, which enables them to land almost anywhere, because the rotor blades allows the copter to fly vertically.
- Helicopters are also known as choppers, whirlybirds and helos.
- Helicopters have their origins in children’s flying toys, made from bamboo as early as 400 BC.
- Many vertical flying ideas have been experimented with over the centuries and the term ‘helicopter’ was coined for a machine, that did not lift off the ground, in 1861.
- The first ‘flight’ of a helicopter occurred in 1907, and the first full scale production helicopter was designed by Igo Sikorsky in 1942.
- Helicopters are used for, but not limited to, transportation, military, health and safety, construction and tourism.
- Helicopters move slower than most aircraft since the rotor blades’ speed depends on the speed of the copter.
- If helicopters are unsafely operated, helicopters could go out of control or crash and end in serious consequences.
- Up until 2012, the deadliest helicopter crash was a shoot down of a Mil Mi 26 over Chechnya, which killed 127 people.
Helicopter 5 February 2013 , Wikipedia, <>
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I honestly believe that this article is absolutely outrageous! Lovely article!
well i need this stuff for school and it was pretty good.