Ground asparagus… though not an asparagus bearer, though.
- Ground asparagus is also known as basket asparagus, Sprenger’s asparagus and asparagus fern.
- Ground asparagus is from the family Asparagaceae, which is the family of asparagus and flowering plants.
- Ground asparagus have tiny bell like flowers that are white to palish pink in colour and bloom in spring and last until autumn.
- Ground asparagus is a small perennial, low lying, scrambling shrub that has a number of stems coming from the ground that have ferny looking cladodes (water storing leaf like segments) and small thorns attached.
- Ground asparagus is easily grown from the rhizomes and through seeds that birds spread, making it an invasive weed in many areas.
- South Africa is the native home of ground asparagus, where it is found in coastal areas.
- The scientific classification for ground asparagus is Asparagus aethiopicus, although it is often confused with Asparagus densiflorus, which it is often called, and is similar in appearance.
- Ground asparagus have berries that start off green and ripen to a red colour, and grow to 5 to 8mm (0.2 to 0.3 inches) in diameter.
- Although ground asparagus is known as an invasive weed in a number of countries in the world, especially Australia, New Zealand, and parts of the United States, it is still used for decoration in shady areas or rocky gardens.
- The berries of ground asparagus are poisonous, causing symptoms such as stomach pain, diarrhoea and vomiting.
Ground (Basket) Asparagus, n.d, Weeds Australia, <>
Ground Asparagus, n.d, Weeds Australia, <>