This black resource found in the Earth is very interesting so I’ve got 10 facts about crude oil.
- Crude oil seeps to the surface of the Earth and gathers in pits.
- Crude oil is naturally formed by squeezing and heating up the remains of animals and tiny sea creatures into a liquid.
- Crude oil is usually only found where there are layers of sedimentary rocks since these rocks have been formed like crude oil.
- To collect the crude oil, an oil driller would use a large drill to dig oil wells.
- Upon the collection of the crude oil, it is necessary to take all the water and oxygen out of it.
Oil Rig
Image courtesy of Suwatpo/ Free Digital Photos
- Crude oil is stored in a tank with a bobbing lid, to stop any gases that could damage or even make the crude oil explode upon contact.
- To make crude oil usable, you must make it float better, make the oil burn better, make it not dangerous and remove the bad smell.
- The Middle East contains the most crude oil in the world.
- Crude oil can be found at sea so floating cranes are needed at deep areas.
- Crude oil contains carbon and hydrogen, hydrocarbon.
Cranfield, J & Buckman, D 1976, Oil, Wayland Publishers, UK