
Condensation – keeping dryness on its toes.

  • Condensation is a phenomenon where the moisture in the air, is converted from its gaseous water form to a liquid form.
  • Condensation will most often occur when vapour is cooled or condensed into a density that cannot sustain the entirety of water molecules, and thus must be dispersed as a liquid.
  • The creation of clouds, as described in the water cycle, is a result of the process of condensation.
  • When the dewpoint air temperature (the temperature at which the water vapour will change to liquid when it is cooled) surrounding an object is warmer than or equal to an object’s temperature, condensation can form on the surface of the object.
  • The condensation process provides the main source of water for a variety of both fauna and flora.

Condensation, Science, Dew, Phenomenon, Trivia, Ten Random Facts, Lid, Water

  • Some structures, sometimes known as ‘condensers’, have been designed to collect and harvest condensation as a water source, and these include fog collectors or fences, and air or aerial wells.
  • Condensation can be problematic in buildings due to its tendency to cause corrosion, mould, rotting, and other forms of structure weakening, due to the moisture.
  • Warmer outside air temperatures, will typically decrease the amount of condensation, as generally more water vapour can be contained in warm air.
  • In buildings, air movement, through the use of fans, air conditioners, or open windows, can decrease the amount of condensation.
  • Dehumidifiers are available, and they are designed to be used inside buildings to remove moisture in the air, and this helps to prevent condensation.
Condensation, 2014, eSchoolToday,
Condensation, 2016, Wikipedia,
Condensation – The Water Cycle, 2015, U.S. Geological Survey,
What Is Condensation?, 2013, Weather Questions,


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One Response to Condensation

  1. Danny says:

    Great Facts and it helped me with my project.

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