Earplugs are used for many things but don’t block those facts!
- Earplugs help protect from loud noises, hearing loss, tinnitus, water coming into the ears, dust or wind.
- Wearing earplugs while diving is bad since the water and air will pressure your ears.
- Earplugs can be made out of wax, silicone and memory foam.
- To insert foam earplugs into your ears you have to roll the earplug into a thin rod and pull back on your ear. Then gently push the plug deep into the ear canal and wait 20 seconds.
- The first recorded use of earplugs was in Ancient Greece when Odysseus’ crew, used the plugs to block out the sound of the Siren’s songs.
- Ross Gardner discovered modern earplug material, a type of foam, in 1967.
- Musicians wear flanged earplugs in their ears during their loud performances.
- Earplugs that are designed to prevent snoring may have parts of the plug that reduces the volume of the snoring so you cans still hear louder sounds.
- Earplugs must be used carefully otherwise they could do serious damage. This damage can be the result of pressure of the air or water pushing on your ear or earwax and other grit in your ear that is pushing on your eardrum.
- Special earplugs for flying are available. They help to reduce pain associated with flying by equalising air pressure in the ear.