Buff-banded Rail – interesting name!
- The Buff-banded Rail is also known as the Banded Landrail or Rail and its scientific name is ‘Gallirallus philippensis’.
- The Buff-banded Rail is from the specie group ‘ralligae’ or the rails, and there are 26 total subspecies of the Buff-banded Rail, including those which are extinct.
- The Buff-banded Rail is found throughout most of Australasia.
- A Buff-banded Rail is normally 28-33 cm when fully grown.
- The Buff-banded Rail has high pitch double cheeps.
Photo courtesy of Val Laird
- The Buff-banded Rail lives near water and rainforests.
- The Buff-banded Rail is a shy but terrestrial bird
- Buff-banded Rail flick their tails frequently.
- The Buff-banded Rail feed on invertebrates, small vertebrates, seeds and fallen fruit and vegetables.
- The nest of a Buff-banded Rail is usually constructed with grassy or reddish foliage situated near the water, and usually contains 5-8 eggs.
Buff-banded Rail4 October 2012 , Wikipedia, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buff-banded_Rail>
Pizzey, G 1997, Field Guide to the Birds of Australia, Angus&Robertson, Australia