Honey Bee

Honey Bee

There are different variety of bees, including bumble bees and honey bees, so here are ten facts about the honey bee.

  • The black and yellow stripes on a honey bee’s back is a warning to people and animals which says ‘I will hurt’.
  • Honey bees have hooked claws to grab other insects for food.
  • A honey bee queen can produce more than 2,000 eggs a day in Summer.
  • Honey bees have 5 eyes. 3 eyes are small while the other 2 eyes are compound.
  • After 4 days a honey bee egg hatches into larvae. Then after 6 more days the larvae sheds its skin and become a pupa.

Honey Bee, Ten Random Facts, Flower, Pollen, Insect

  • The nurse bee seals the pupa in a wax cell for 10-12 days until a pupa becomes a worker honey bee.
  • Worker honey bees only live for about 6 weeks. A worker honey bee schedule; in week 1 the worker bee nurses the larvae, in week 2 the worker bee maintains the nest and for the remaining weeks, the worker bee forages nectar and other food.
  • The male honey bees are the drone  bees, who mate with the queen, while female honey bees are the workers, doing a variety of jobs.
  • The honey bee queen produces a special type of chemical that stops other female bees from breeding and having eggs.
  • Worker honey bees communicate by touching other bees with their antennae and doing a special dance.
Burnie, D 2005, E.Explore Insect, Dorling Kindersley, Great Britian

Fishpond:  Letters from the Hive: An Intimate History of Bees, Honey, and Humankind Homegrown Honey Bees: An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Beekeeping Your First Year, from Hiving to Honey Harvest  Amazon: 



You could have Asthma even if you don’t know it and here is ten facts about Asthma that hopefully you won’t know!

  • Asthma is when you might have difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing or chest tightness as a result of an asthma trigger.
  • Dust-mites, fur of animals, traffic fumes, poor air quality, grass pollen, exercise  illness and worry, all can trigger asthma attacks.
  • A person with asthma has narrower airways than someone without asthma.
  • To help prevent asthma, a doctor can give you a preventer inhaler.  To help calm your asthma attacks, a doctor can give you a reliever inhaler.
  • Exercising can help asthma since the fitter you get the better your lungs work.

Asthma, Inhaler, Ten Random Facts, Free Digital Photos.net

Asthma Inhaler
Image courtesy of Arvind Balaraman / Free Digital Photos
  • In 2009, asthma attacks caused 250,000 deaths worldwide.
  • In 2010, 300 million people in the world have asthma.
  • Having skin allergies increases the chance of having asthma.
  • The Ancient Egyptians first discovered asthma and treated it it by making patients drink a mixture called Kyphi.
  • In 1980, more children were likely to have asthma than previous years.
Asthma 3 October 2012, Wikipedia, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asthma>
Bee, P 1998, Living with Asthma, Wayland Publishers Limited, England

Fishpond:  Healthsmart: Allergy and Asthma Relief Asthma and Allergies For Dummies  Amazon: 



All light is bright and so are these ten facts!

  • Light comes in two forms of energy, brightness and heat. Light also has two groups, natural light, like stars and fires, and artificial lights, like electric bulbs and lamps.
  • The sun’s light travels 299,260 km/186,000 miles per second which means it takes 8 minutes to reach Earth.
  • A shadow forms when a ray of light shines on a solid object.
  • Transparent materials allow light to travel through it, while translucent materials let a little light through. Opaque materials let no light through.
  • When a ray of light touches a shiny or polished surface, the ray bounces back.

 light, sun, ten random facts


  • When light travels through a fine droplet of water or a prism, a rainbow forms.
  • Light rays contain colour. These colours are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Light’s primary colours are red, green and blue (RGB).
  •  Each wavelength of light is smaller than your hair.
  • The longest wavelength, red, has the least energy while the shortest wavelength, violet, has the most energy.
  • Light rays bounce off colours of its same colour type, while other light rays are absorbed when they touch a colour that is not its same colour type.
Devonshire, H 1991, Light, Franklin Watts, Great Britian
Herman, G 2004, Color Day Relay, Scholastic, USA

Fishpond: The Illuminating World of Light with Max Axiom, Super Scientist (Graphic Science) The Nature of Light and Colour in the Open Air (Dover Books on Earth Sciences)           Amazon: 

Crude Oil

Crude Oil

This black resource found in the Earth is very interesting so I’ve got 10 facts about crude oil.

  • Crude oil seeps to the surface of the Earth and gathers in pits.
  • Crude oil is naturally formed by squeezing and heating up the remains of animals and tiny sea creatures into a liquid.
  • Crude oil is usually only found where there are layers of sedimentary rocks since these rocks have been formed like crude oil.
  • To collect the crude oil, an oil driller would use a large drill to dig oil wells.
  • Upon the collection of the crude oil, it is necessary to take all the water and oxygen out of it.

Oil Rig, Ten Random Facts, Sea, Free Digital Photos

Oil Rig
Image courtesy of Suwatpo/ Free Digital Photos
  • Crude oil is stored in a tank with a bobbing lid, to stop any gases that could damage or even make the crude oil explode upon contact.
  • To make crude oil usable, you must make it float better, make the oil burn better, make it not dangerous and remove the bad smell.
  • The Middle East contains the most crude oil in the world.
  • Crude oil can be found at sea so floating cranes are needed at deep areas.
  • Crude oil contains carbon and hydrogen, hydrocarbon.
Cranfield, J & Buckman, D 1976, Oil, Wayland Publishers, UK

Dispersion of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products in Freshwater Powering Planet Earth: Energy Solutions for the Future



Tornadoes are very destructive winds that cause heaps of damage! Here are ten more facts about tornadoes.

  • About 1,200 tornadoes are seen every year in the USA.
  • The winds at the bottom of a tornado spins faster than the winds at the top.
  • Tornadoes have never been spotted in Antarctica.
  • Tornadoes form when a downdraft of moist and cool air mixes with an updraft of warm air.
  • An average tornado only travels a few miles before it dies out.

Tornado, Natural Disaster, Earth, Ten Random Facts, Clker

Image courtesy of Jhallman/ Clker.com (Broken Link)
  • The wind speed inside a tornado is about 110 mph/117 km (per hour).
  • A tornado’s colour changes, depending where you view it or what the tornado sucks up. This means a tornado could be white, red, blue, brown, grey, orange, yellow and even invisible.
  • Tornadoes may not always be visible. If a tornado is visible, the tornado would have low air pressure produced by high wind speeds that mixes the humid air into clouds.
  • Tornadoes are most common in Spring and least common in Winter. This is because Spring produces stronger winds while Winter produces the weakest.
  • There are many types of tornadoes including waterspouts, dust devils, snow devils, fire wheels and the typical cyclone.
Schreiber, A 2000, Twister Trouble, Scholastic, USA
Tornado 20 September 2012, Wikipedia, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tornado>

Surviving Tornadoes (Children's True Stories

Domestic Cats

Domestic Cats

House cats are tame little creatures but don’t let them escape and become feral! These 10 facts stick closer to the cuddlier side!

  • Cats have amazing night time vision but can’t see in complete darkness.
  • Cats communicate vocally by growling, meowing, purring, trilling, hissing and grunting.
  • Male domestic cats live to be 12-14 years old while females live to be a year or two older.
  • The hooked papillae on cats’ tongues is used to clean and groom their fur.
  • A domestic cat’s litter size averages from 3-5 kittens.
    Cats, Domestic, White, blue collar, lying down, moving, strike, tail, grey, Australia, Ten Random Facts, Blue eye, stripe, grassy, look, stare
  • There are over 80 different cat breeds.
  • A special coating on a cat’s eye called tapetum lucidum, helps cat’s eyes to glow and see in the dark.
  • Cats have many interesting properties. Cats have strong, flexible bodies and quick reflexes. They also have sharp claws and strong teeth.
  • A cat’s heart beats from 120-140 beats per minute.
  • There are approximately 220 million domestic cats worldwide.
1992, Publications International, USA
Cat 9 October 2012, Wikipedia, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat>

The Domestic Cat: The Biology of Its Behaviour, Book, fishpond I am Cat, Book, Fishpond

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