
Just a bunch of mountains.

  • The Alps is a range of mountains that form a crescent shape in Europe, that covers a distance of 1,200 km (750 miles).
  • The Alps can be found in Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Germany, France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Monaco.
  • The Alps is the home of many glaciers.
  • There are 13,000 species of vegetation and 30,000 species of wildlife, many of which are native to the Alps.
  • A mummified man was found in the Alps at the Austrian/Italian border in 1991, said to be 5,000 years old.
Alps, Mountains, White, Snow, Winter, Many, Rock, Landscape, Ten Random Facts, Free Digital Photos
Image courtesy of Michal Marcol/ Free Digital Photos
  • Fourteen million people live in the Alps region, and the area attracts approximately 120 million visitors every year.
  • In the Alps there are 82 official summits that are at least 4,000 m (13,123 ft) high, and the  highest peak is Mont Blanc which is 4,810 meters (15, 780 feet) high and is on the French and Italian border.
  • The Alps have been the source of many minerals and crystals, which has included copper, gold, iron, cinnabar, quartz and amethyst.
  • It is suggested that between 40,000 to 80,000 men died in World War I due to avalanches on the Alps.
  • The Alps provide water that those in the region drink; use for irrigation purposes; and create hydroelectric power in over 500 power plants, that can produce up to 2900 kilowatts of electricity per hour.
Alps, 2013 Wikipedia, <>
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27 Responses to Alps

    • gabrielle anning says:


      I was reading this web page and some facts were quit interesting but others were the sort of things that put me too sleep!! whoever made this I think needs to update this to the 21st century come on people. but for the ones that were good I would rate this web page about 2 stars maybe 3. I hope you found this helpful see ya laters!!!

      • Cris says:

        You’ll be surprised to know that the people that will utilise the facts the most are those of Generation Y, for use in essays and research projects. I’m not sure what you’re expecting, but my the Ten Random Facts style is intended to be condensed and simplistic, rather than lengthy and opinionated.

  1. kake says:

    i am doing a report for my class and this website helped a bunch so thanks to whoever made it

  2. Shay says:

    This is a really helpful for me. Thank you to whoever made it!!!

  3. sarah says:

    thx this is really good bc i need it for girl scouts 🙂

    this is really helpful for me

    i hope that all of this will be the best for girl scouts and i hope my troop will love it or think that it is greta facts

    thx for who ever made it !!!!!!

    who ever ,ade this is the best and awesome

    i not sayign u have too but maybe can u do one on guatemala plz
    i want to know more about where i came from

    thx so much this is so helpful!!!\

  4. Sarah Glut says:

    thx so much I
    really want to know more !! 🙂

  5. BEN says:

    this is sooo boring thanks a lot NOT

  6. Moumita says:

    Thanks! Being at Alps must be great.

  7. florence says:

    verry good facts and i love the one about the mumifide man.

  8. AlyBaBa says:

    That poor man ~.~

  9. cheesy toes says:

    thnk for the facts and stuff its gonna help me with my project

  10. ava says:

    this helped so friken much for social i need five fun facts about the alps and yea thanks for helping me pass

  11. Rosin says:

    This was a great web page I needed it for facts about the Alpes it was a really good web page😉

  12. Sue says:

    Love it!!!!!!!!

  13. Jasmine says:

    I chose this for a project. Interesting details, the World War One was a great one. Excellent facts

  14. Me, this kid right here says:

    I literal completed a assignment just of this page

  15. it helped me so much!!
    thank you!!!

  16. me, the one with the eye says:

    I am doing a report for school and this really helped me thanks(just update a bit to a better website)

  17. Billybob says:

    Same here,I also need them for a presentation

  18. tinny tim says:

    thank you so much. this is extremely helpful

  19. connor noble says:

    thanks for the facts

  20. Hari-Kari-Er says:

    The site is helpful for my landmark project in social studies

  21. Simran Dadwal says:

    This helped me soo much for my school project 🙂

    Thanks so much

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