Ten Random Facts
What is it? An informative ‘fact’ site that contains a collection of ten random facts on over 1300 unique topics. That’s a grand total of 13 000 individual facts! Use the search function to find a topic you may be interested in, and if I don’t have it, email me and I will consider it for a future topic.
Email: cris (at) tenrandomfacts (dot) com
(no spaces and exchange ‘at’ for the at symbol and the ‘dot’ for a full stop)
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TenRandomFacts
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/tenfacts/
Wow, what a great idea, Cris. You are so clever and creative.
Thanks! Love your gravatar image!
Your so smart or do you just use Wikipedia? 🙂
Hi Stephanie,
You could say I’m smart…
But the reality is I use a variety of resources, including Wikipedia.
To see the resources I use, just look at the Bibliography at the bottom of the post.
Thanks for dropping by,
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Awesome website, good job! Love your work!
Thanks Mitchell.
Totally Awesome Cris, What a great idea! Well done. Good luck thinking up more tricky topics. (Anna from Murgon Baptist) Oh yeah, I love sushi too!
Thanks Anna!
Thinking up tricky topics to send you…
Oh and your website’s pretty cool! Love it! 😀
This is awesome! I’m even using your information on “The Alps” for my assignment. It’s actually pretty useful!
Ps: Australia’s the best! 🙂
Hey cris . 🙂 .
I got informations from your site for our investigatory project .but I’m having trouble with the citations because I don’t know what’s your surname . Can u message me on fb?
Camille Claver Aniwasal is the name .
Tnx. I really need it right now . So please reply ASAP . Tnx a lot! 🙂
Hi Camille! Hopefully this is not too late!
I am currently not distributing my surname, even for citations. You can alternatively list the author as “Ten Random Facts”, or you could reference the sources that I referenced myself.
Hi Cris u r so clever thank u a lot I have a asigment for (leaning tower of pisa and this helped a lot again thx:D
Do they grow well in North Carolina?