If you eat carrots and read facts you can see in the dark! Well maybe not the facts part.
- Carrots contain carotene, or vitamin A, which helps you see in the dark.
- Carrots are normally orange but certain varieties can be purple, red, white or yellow.
- A fully grown carrot stem is normally 1 meter (3 foot) tall.
- A mature carrot plant has a white flower.
- The green leaves of a carrot are edible.
- The body only absorbs 3% carotene from a raw carrot while the body absorbs 42% carotene from cooked carrots.
- To much carrot can make your skin orange because of the carotene.
- Once planted, a carrot is ready for harvest after 4 months, and then they can be stored in a cool place for many months without becoming rotten.
- Holtville, in California, has an annual carrot festival held in late January or early February that lasts ten days.
- China was the largest producer of carrots by 2010 and is followed by the United States, Russia, Uzbekistan and Poland.