Happy Mother’s Day to you, happy Mother’s Day to you!!
- Mother’s Day is a special day for honouring mothers, and for families to celebrate their mothers.
- Mother’s Day is normally celebrated in March or May, but is celebrated at different times in the year by different countries.
- Mother’s Day was started in 1908 by Anna Jarvis, an American, who later regretted starting the celebration due to the commercialisation of the day.
- Traditionally Mother’s Day is spelt with an apostrophe ‘s’, since Anna Jarvis thought the tradition should celebrate families’ mothers not mothers in general, although sometimes it is spelt ‘Mothers’ Day’ and ‘Mothers Day’.
- Mother’s Day is most commonly celebrated on the second Sunday of May.
- The Roman Catholic Church has created a significant link between Mother’s Day and Virgin Mary, by honoring and remembering Mary on the day.
- Mother’s Day is often celebrated by giving a gift, and cooking dinner or breakfast for one’s mother, or taking one’s mother out for a meal.
- After the ninth year of the official United States Mother’s Day, Anna Jarvis thought Mother’s day was being disrespected and was not what she had in mind, so she protested against the day, and was arrested.
- Mothering Sunday, a European Christian holiday, is not the same as Mother’s Day, although it is often celebrated on the same day.
- Anna Jarvis lobbied for Mother’s Day to become a United States holiday, and succeeded in 1914.
Mother’s Day, 2012, Sunnie Bunniezz, <http://sunniebunniezz.com/holiday/motherdy.htm>
Mother’s Day, 2013, Wikipedia, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother’s_Day>