Candy Cane

Candy Cane

Have a stripey time!

  • The candy cane is a hard candy and is traditionally white with red stripes and flavoured peppermint.
  • The first candy canes were made in 1670, in Germany, requested by a choirmaster who wanted to quiet down the children.
  • The candy cane is designed to remind us of the meaning of Christmas and as such was made as a symbol.
  • The cane shape of the candy cane was to remind people of ‘J’ for Jesus, the shepherds who visited baby Jesus, and to represent the biblical view that Jesus is a shepherd of his followers.
  • The first public candy cane recipe was published in 1844 in the recipe book called The Complete Confectioner, Pastry-cook, and Baker, by Eleanor Parkinson.

Candy Canes, Three, Red and White Stripes, Lined, Christmas Cards, Ten Random Facts

  • The candy cane was originally pure white and got its stripes in the early 20th century.
  • The candy cane is hard, which is said to represent the Christian view of the solid foundation of the church.
  • The peppermint flavour of the typical candy cane is similar to hyssop which was used for offering and purification in the Bible’s Old Testament times.
  • The red stripes represent the biblical view of God’s love and the shed blood of Jesus.
  • Candy canes come in numerous sizes and variations, including different flavours and colours, which includes green and white stripes and rainbow colours.
Candy Cane 12 November 2012, Wikipedia, <>
Goldstein, L n.d., The History of the Candy Cane, Noel Noel Noel, <>



Versatile almonds!

  • The almond nut grows on a deciduous almond tree which fruits in Autumn.
  • The fruit of an almond tree is called a drupe, which contains the seed – the edible almond nut.
  • The almond nut is native to Mediterranean areas of the Middle East.
  • The USA produced 1.41 billion kg (1.41 million tonnes) of almonds in 2010, followed by Spain with 0.22 billion kg ( 0.22 million tonnes).
  • An average almond nut measures 3.5-6 cm (1-2 inches) in length.

Almonds, Brown, Nuts, Ten Random Facts

  • Normally, one almond nut is found in an almond drupe, but sometimes there can be two.
  • Almond nuts are usually eaten roasted or raw or can be ground and used for baking purposes, often as an alternative to wheat flour.  Almond butter, almond milk  and almond oil or other products produced from almonds.
  • Almond nuts are a high source of vitamin E.
  • Almond nuts absorb smell easily.
  • Almond nuts contains 28 nutrients.

Almond 10 December 2012, Wikipedia,  <>



Sweet, yummy and nice!

  • Mangoes are fleshy, and sometimes furry, stonefruit (See Nectarines to see what a stonefruit is!).
  • The mango is the national fruit of India, Philippines and Pakistan.
  • In several cultures mangoes are used in many formal, public or religious ceremonies, as decoration.
  • Mangoes, depending on the cultivar, are usually yellow; orange; red; or green in colour.
  • Non ripened mangoes can be ripened in brown paper bags.

Mango, Yellow, Orange, Full, Ten Random Facts

  • Mangoes can be used in many different ways, such as chutneys, drinks, rice dishes, jelly, curries, ice cream and can be eaten pickled or raw. Many recipes include unripe sour mango.
  • Mangoes are high in vitamin C.
  • Mango peels and sap contain the chemical ‘urushiol’, which is in poison ivy and poison sumac.
  • India is the biggest producer of mangoes – 16.34 million tons in 2010-2011, and China the second biggest with 4.35 million tons.
  • The most common cultivar of mango is the ‘Alphonso’ which is typically yellow in colour.
Mango 1 December 2012, Wikipedia, <>



Nectarine… sweet and juicy!

  • A nectarine is a stonefruit, which is a fruit with a large seed in the middle.
  • Nectarines are closely related to the peach, and sometimes are grown on peach trees or vice versa.
  • Nectarines have smooth skin, and yellow, red or white flesh colour.
  • The nectarine is a high source of vitamins A and C.
  • Nectarine trees are grown in warm temperature areas.

Red Flesh, Yellow Inside, Nectarine, Stonefruit, Ten Random Facts

  • The nectarine comes from the family ‘Rosaceae’, which is the family of roses.
  • The nectarine tree grows 5-7 meters (16-22 feet) high.
  • Nectarines are normally in season in the warmer months, from early spring to middle autumn.
  • The name ‘nectarine’ comes from the sweet food the gods eat, ‘nectar’.
  • The place of origin of the nectarine is China, but spread quickly to England in the 16th century.
Nectarine 2011, Fresh for Kids, <>
Nectarine n.d., Britannica, <>



Potatoes are a very interesting plants with a oval shape.

  • Potatoes are grown underground, in the soil and are categorised as a tuber.
  • Potatoes mostly contain a carbohydrate called starch.
  • The potato is believed to be first grown by the Incas.
  • There are over 100 different types of potato.
  • Potatoes come in a variety of colours including brown, green, yellow, red and purple.

Washed white potato, Ten Random Facts, Stub

  • Stubs, or newly harvested potatoes, can shoot and grow into a new potato plant.
  • Potatoes were the first vegetable to be grown in space.
  • When food was short in World War I and II, potatoes were commonly eaten as they were easily grown.
  • Potato plants are usually sprayed with chemicals after harvest, to kill remaining foliage.
  • Potatoes are rich in fibre and vitamins and contain barely no fat.
Bentley, J 2005, Potatoes, Chrysalis Children’s Books, United Kingdom



Golden Delicious or Granny Smith. All are nice and sweet – just like Ten Random Facts you see.

  • An apple is a pomaceous fruit and grows on a deciduous tree.
  • The apple tree originated from Asia.
  • There are more than 7,500 different cultivars of apple.
  • 69 million tonnes of apples were grown worldwide, in 2010. China produced just under half of this amount.
  • The seeds of an apple are a little poisonous.

Red Apple, Pink Lady Apple, Ten Random Facts

  • China produces most of the world’s apples, followed by the United States, Turkey, Italy and India.
  • The flowers of an apple tree are normally white with a pinkish tinge.
  • A test on the Golden Delicious apple in 2010 showed that apples have 57,000 genes.
  • If you are allergic to birch pollen you are allergic to apples.
  • 149 grams of apple contain approximately 77 calories.
Apple 27 October 2012, Wikipedia, <>


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