Easter Eggs

Easter Eggs

Don’t forget the egg’s meaning!

  • Easter eggs are sweets that are eaten at Easter, normally Resurrection Sunday, when Christians celebrate Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead.
  • Christians believe Easter eggs symbolise the empty tomb of Jesus Christ and new life.
  • The first use of Easter eggs were by the early Christians.
  • Easter eggs were originally bird eggs, normally chicken eggs, which had been dyed or painted, but chocolate or plastic eggs have become so popular that they are now more commonly seen.
  • An early Christian tradition was to dye Easter eggs red, to remind people of Jesus Christ’s blood, which was shed when he died on the cross, and this tradition is still practiced by the Orthodox and Eastern Catholic church.

Easter Eggs Chocolate, Hollow, Full, Small, Ribbon, Patternd, Yellow, Blue, Pink, Green, Orange, Purple, Spottty, Nine, LArge, Many, Ten Random Facts

  • Easter eggs are often used in hunts for children, and some parents suggest that the fictional ‘Easter Bunny’ has hidden or left the children Easter eggs.
  • The first time the phrase ‘Easter eggs’ was named in a book, was 500 years ago.
  • Historically, a surplus of chicken eggs at Easter time would have been common, because eggs were forbidden during Lent, the period leading up to Easter, and this custom is still practiced by some people today.
  • Over 90 million Easter eggs are sold every year, just in the United Kingdom.
  • Chocolate Easter eggs were first made in the 1800s in Europe.
Easter Egg, 2013 Wikipedia, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter_egg>.



Suck, lick… delicious candy.

  • Lollipops are hard, flavoured sugar and corn syrup confectionery on a stick.
  • Lollipops are also known as suckers or sticky pops.
  • Lollipops are available in many sizes, shapes, colours and flavours like bubblegum and rainbow.
  • Lollipops are typically eaten at room temperature.
  • Certain lollipops have been made for those who are on a diet, said to help with weight loss.

Lollipop, Rainbow, Circular, Sphere, Green, Yellow, White, The Rocky Rock Candy Co, 30 grams, Ten Random Facts

  • Some lollipops contain medicine, mainly for children.
  • Early lollipops were made in the Middle Ages, which essentially was boiled sugar on a stick, or with handles.
  • Although there have been several suggestions of different modern lollipop inventors between 1800-1910, George Smith is said to be the first lollipop inventor, inventing the modern lollipop in 1908, and trademarked the name in 1931.
  • George Smith named the lollipop after a popular racing horse at the time, Lolly Pop.
  • George Smith originally implemented the lollipop to be soft candy instead of hard.
Lollipop 14 December 2012, Wikipedia, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lollipop>

Candy Cane

Candy Cane

Have a stripey time!

  • The candy cane is a hard candy and is traditionally white with red stripes and flavoured peppermint.
  • The first candy canes were made in 1670, in Germany, requested by a choirmaster who wanted to quiet down the children.
  • The candy cane is designed to remind us of the meaning of Christmas and as such was made as a symbol.
  • The cane shape of the candy cane was to remind people of ‘J’ for Jesus, the shepherds who visited baby Jesus, and to represent the biblical view that Jesus is a shepherd of his followers.
  • The first public candy cane recipe was published in 1844 in the recipe book called The Complete Confectioner, Pastry-cook, and Baker, by Eleanor Parkinson.

Candy Canes, Three, Red and White Stripes, Lined, Christmas Cards, Ten Random Facts

  • The candy cane was originally pure white and got its stripes in the early 20th century.
  • The candy cane is hard, which is said to represent the Christian view of the solid foundation of the church.
  • The peppermint flavour of the typical candy cane is similar to hyssop which was used for offering and purification in the Bible’s Old Testament times.
  • The red stripes represent the biblical view of God’s love and the shed blood of Jesus.
  • Candy canes come in numerous sizes and variations, including different flavours and colours, which includes green and white stripes and rainbow colours.
Candy Cane 12 November 2012, Wikipedia, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candy_cane>
Goldstein, L n.d., The History of the Candy Cane, Noel Noel Noel, <http://www.noelnoelnoel.com/trad/candycane.html>
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