Animal Bat

Animal Bat

Bats swoop in the dark, sleep in the light, but these bats don’t hit a ball, they eat bugs. In other words, here is ten facts about the animal bat.

  • There are approximately 1000 different varieties of bats in the world.
  • The largest bat is the Flying Fox while the smallest bat is the Bumblebee bat.
  • Bats use ultrasonic, echolocation sounds to find their way around in the dark.
  • Bats fly at night instead of during the day, so that they don’t dry up from the heat of the sun.
  • Bats are the only mammals that can fly.

Jamaican Fruit Bat, Ten Random Facts, Free Digital Photos

Jamaican Fruit Bat
Image courtesy of Hal Brindley/ Free Digital Photos
  • Some very deep caves contain 20 million bats.
  • Some bats’ daily diet are insects, other bats eat fish and another group of bats eat fruit. The vampire bat even eats or drinks blood.
  • Bats live for an average of 15 years.
  • A mother bat can smell and tell which bat is hers by the baby bat’s (or pups as they are called) smell and voice.
  • Bats have muscles in their ears that block out the extra loud sounds of their echolocation – the sound could possibly deafen them.
Moore, E 1999, The Truth about Bats, Scholastic, New York
Taylor, D 1995, Nature’s Creatures of the Dark, The Book Company, Sydney


Honey Bee

Honey Bee

There are different variety of bees, including bumble bees and honey bees, so here are ten facts about the honey bee.

  • The black and yellow stripes on a honey bee’s back is a warning to people and animals which says ‘I will hurt’.
  • Honey bees have hooked claws to grab other insects for food.
  • A honey bee queen can produce more than 2,000 eggs a day in Summer.
  • Honey bees have 5 eyes. 3 eyes are small while the other 2 eyes are compound.
  • After 4 days a honey bee egg hatches into larvae. Then after 6 more days the larvae sheds its skin and become a pupa.

Honey Bee, Ten Random Facts, Flower, Pollen, Insect

  • The nurse bee seals the pupa in a wax cell for 10-12 days until a pupa becomes a worker honey bee.
  • Worker honey bees only live for about 6 weeks. A worker honey bee schedule; in week 1 the worker bee nurses the larvae, in week 2 the worker bee maintains the nest and for the remaining weeks, the worker bee forages nectar and other food.
  • The male honey bees are the drone  bees, who mate with the queen, while female honey bees are the workers, doing a variety of jobs.
  • The honey bee queen produces a special type of chemical that stops other female bees from breeding and having eggs.
  • Worker honey bees communicate by touching other bees with their antennae and doing a special dance.
Burnie, D 2005, E.Explore Insect, Dorling Kindersley, Great Britian

Fishpond:  Letters from the Hive: An Intimate History of Bees, Honey, and Humankind Homegrown Honey Bees: An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Beekeeping Your First Year, from Hiving to Honey Harvest  Amazon: 

Domestic Cats

Domestic Cats

House cats are tame little creatures but don’t let them escape and become feral! These 10 facts stick closer to the cuddlier side!

  • Cats have amazing night time vision but can’t see in complete darkness.
  • Cats communicate vocally by growling, meowing, purring, trilling, hissing and grunting.
  • Male domestic cats live to be 12-14 years old while females live to be a year or two older.
  • The hooked papillae on cats’ tongues is used to clean and groom their fur.
  • A domestic cat’s litter size averages from 3-5 kittens.
    Cats, Domestic, White, blue collar, lying down, moving, strike, tail, grey, Australia, Ten Random Facts, Blue eye, stripe, grassy, look, stare
  • There are over 80 different cat breeds.
  • A special coating on a cat’s eye called tapetum lucidum, helps cat’s eyes to glow and see in the dark.
  • Cats have many interesting properties. Cats have strong, flexible bodies and quick reflexes. They also have sharp claws and strong teeth.
  • A cat’s heart beats from 120-140 beats per minute.
  • There are approximately 220 million domestic cats worldwide.
1992, Publications International, USA
Cat 9 October 2012, Wikipedia, <>

The Domestic Cat: The Biology of Its Behaviour, Book, fishpond I am Cat, Book, Fishpond

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