Siberia is such a breath-taking place. *sigh*
- Siberia is a region located in North Asia, spreading from the central to eastern parts of the continent, and it is one of the districts of Russia.
- The origin of the name ‘Siberia’ is controversial; with some theorising its origins are from ‘su’ and ‘bir’, meaning ‘water and ‘land’ respectively, while others state ‘Sib Ir’ as the origin, which is native terminology for ‘sleeping land’.
- The actual boundaries of Siberia are somewhat undefined, with the Federal District covering approximately 5.1 million square kilometres (2 million square miles), and the most broadest boundaries (also known as ‘Asian Russia’) include more than 70% of Russia.
- Siberia is economically important in supplying minerals including gold, nickel, coal, silver, zinc, lead and diamond, with the region containing some of the largest reserves on earth.
- Some towns in Siberia are generally isolated and unconnected from other settlements in that they do not have designated roads for vehicles, while the Trans-Siberian railway provides some of the greatest accessibility to the southern areas.
Part of Siberia
Image courtesy of Marc van der Chijs/Flickr
- Novosibirsk is the largest city in Siberia, and third largest city in Russia, with a population of approximately 1.5 million in 2013.
- A wide variety of native groups inhabited parts of Siberia until the Mongolian invasions from the 1200s, and later the Russian invasions from the late 1500s.
- Siberia has particularly cold temperatures, with low winter temperatures reaching -20°C (-4°F) despite the area originally being full of volcanic activity.
- As of 2014, Siberia Federal District had a population of approximately 20 million people, and with the wider area included, the total was around 40 million, bringing it to roughly the same people to land ratio as Australia – a low density of 3 people per square kilometre (0.4 of a square mile).
- Siberia is notable for its vastness, and its extensive and awe inspiring scenery, particularly Ukok Plateau, and the largest freshwater lake in the world, Lake Baikal.
Siberia, 2015, Wikipedia,
Siberia Federal District, Russia (Siberian), 2015, Russia Trek,
Siberia History, 2015, Lonely Planet,
Siberia, n.d,,