Baked Beans

Do you delight in baked beans?

  • Baked beans are a culinary dish that includes both stewed, or less commonly baked, beans and a sauce.
  • Baked beans are most commonly made of white navy or haricot beans, that are one of the many varieties of Phaseolus vulgaris, which includes common beans, and others.
  • Baked beans are a popular quick-preparation meal, and for this reason, are often eaten at camps or rural areas.
  • Baked beans are commonly eaten for breakfast, along with other meals, and are popular with toast, chips, pork or waffles, among others.
  • Baked beans were canned and sold as early as 1861 in the United States, and they often contained pork and molasses, and of all convenience foods to become popular in the Western world, beans were among the first.

Baked Beans, Red, White, Sauce,Container, Ten Random Facts, Food, Convenience,

  • Baked beans have a savoury-sweet taste, and are typically coloured red, orange or brown, and they are typically sweetened by sugar, molasses or maple syrup, and the sweetener varies by country.
  • Traditionally, baked bean products have been high in salt and sugar, although some producers have lowered the quantities to make a healthier product.
  • Baked beans are very high in fibre, and are high in phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, thiamine, copper and protein, and they contain significant quantites of other vitamins and minerals.
  • Baked beans are sometimes homemade, although they are commonly sold commercially in a can, and a notable manufacturer is Heinz.
  • Baked beans originated as a mixture of British and, particularly, American bean dishes, with the notable Boston variety.
Bibliography: Baked Beans, 2014, Wikipedia,
O Thring, 2011, Consider Baked Beans,


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